Sunday, April 13, 2008

Ethical Lapses

It surprises me that 73% of Americans say they see a lack of ethical judgment in their places of employment. As a student with a short two years before entering the business world this should scare me. But my experience has already taught me otherwise. I am part of the 73% having worked for a company that was proud of one of their illegal advantageous competitor stomping episodes.
I think this is a sad place for America to be in. As one of the economic powerhouses in the world our country should lead the way in ethics and morals. Unfortunately the opposite has become true our over confidence has led us towards corruption. This is a scary place to be in and we should push to turn the tide as ethical humans not just as law abiding citizensIf for no other reason businesses should put a swift stop to unethical behavior just for its counter productivity.

without wax,

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