Sunday, March 30, 2008

Killer Bunnies

I love free blog posts! this week I have decided to write about the ever so unpopular of card games called KILLER BUNNIES. This is the most amusingly silly card game I have ever played. The goal of the game is to obtain the magic carrot. In order to accomplish this the player must have a bunny in play and have chosen the correct carrot (1-20). Players compete by sending weapons at opponents (examples are radioactive raisins, the kitchen whisk, and a nuclear bomb). Players bunnies often die of terrible misfortunes. Killer Bunnies adds insanity to the world and therefor I highly recommend it!

without wax,

resume cheating

The article really helped reinforce my understanding of the consequences of cheating on a resume. I personally don't understand why someone would feel the need to create a false resume. The more accurate you are about yourself the better match you and an honest company can make. A good match means both the company and you will be happier. Resume accuracy is key to a nation having a solid work force.

without wax,

Saturday, March 8, 2008

The presentation I enjoyed the most

I enjoyed the break from normal class with the presentations. The ones I remember most are the one about animal adoption, Judith's about shooting and the presentation about the golf course summer internship. I enjoyed them because they were different and some of them were even awkward. I think Judith's was most member able just because she asked us all to go shoot with her. I really appreciate the opportunity to present myself and I'm glad we took class time to do them.

Without Wax,

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Reflection on my mock interview

I had a lovely interview with My English 304 professor as part of a project/assignment. It went very well and was definitely not very hard core. There really isn't much to post about. I came at it maybe with to much of a real interview mindset and might have overdone it. Other than that Mrs. Rogers had a few suggestions about things to fix and then mentioned that the interview went really well. I have been interview with quite a few company's looking for a summer internship so I don't think i learned anything particularly helpful. Although I am learning that you have to tailor your interview to the person interviewing. (If its a perky lady let them talk, if its a hardcore business man you have to prove yourself etcetera.) Anyway that is all for now. Thanks for reading

Without wax,