Sunday, April 27, 2008

Advice to Those to Come

Dear New English 304 students,

The semester ahead of you will seem laid back, and it almost will be. However, be careful that you put forth some effort when it comes to working as a group and when you work alone on your class assignments and quizzes. These areas are where your grades will come from and therefor to actually receive an "A" in this class you will have to put forth some effort.
Make sure you actually do the in class readings because the good Lady Rogers will take a surprise quiz/daily grade from one of them. After that occurs, you might as well sell the book back (at least you could have this year). I highly recommend that you attend every class, it's not worth missing a daily grade to sleep in when the class is this simple to get an A in.
Oh and one final thing. Always start working on your portfolios a day earlier than you think you need to because they aren't as simple as they seem (at least its very easy to have problems with them). Other than that I wish the best of luck too all of you!

without wax,

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