Sunday, January 27, 2008

The ten year dream

It was tasked upon me this week to write about where I see myself in ten years. This is of course a very irritating task because, if I knew exactly what and where I wanted to be in ten years, I'd spend most of my life being miserable because I never would get there. I have learned this simple truth through life experience, life will never be absolutely perfect. There are a precious few moments when life is far better than perfect. Then there is the rest of the time when life is far below perfect. However, if I happened to be in control of the world then ten years from now would look like this: I would have a beautiful trusting wife and be working on producing a herd of offspring. I would own and operate my own multi million dollar company, which somehow only takes part of my time. There would be lots of vacations and adventures (skydiving, scuba diving, and maybe a cruise or two). I would own a large chunk of land with a functional house in the middle of it. I'd have a few horses, a tricked out Toyota Tacoma six speed stick shift crew cab with a long bed and a roof rack. Oh, and I forgot to mention that my chunk of land backs right up to the best ski/snowboard resort in Colorado, oh wait I own the best ski/snowboard resort in Colorado...yeah that is it.

In reality ten years will probably look like this: I'll be working in some office somewhere (hopefully). Paying taxes out the rear thanks to those of you who have voted for individuals in the democrat party. Married happily with kids. Living in a nice house in the suburbs of some city. I might even get that Tacoma. All the while wishing I was back in college. In another reality I might get the chance to work in some orphanage overseas which would be a much more fulfilling life (generally I have found that when I give my time and energy to love on people in need, my life is blessed and more meaningful).

But who knows, I am open to the possibilities, and while that might make it hard to make a solid resume in this class I think it is a wise way to be thinking because there is so much potential life left to live.

Thus my blog ends for this week once again
Without Wax, (without faking, aka sincerely)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Web 2.0 the maching is us/ing us

This week I was mercilessly forced to watch a horribly long (4 minute) you tube video, the horror. I'm kidding, life could be so much worse. Actually the video had an excellent point. While some people believe we are more addicted to machines the truth is that we are more addicted to communicating with each other. While the title web 2.0 is an interesting concept, I feel like the web has always been the web. While its use may have changed slightly, the concept has not. the concept of web 2.0 has very little affect on this generation because we already use it all the time. The concept of web 2.0 does mean that current workforce peons must adapt to current forms of communication to keep up. The video made a reference to rethinking everything, I think innovation is needed to progress and learning to use the web advantageously is a excellent idea.

Without Wax

Thursday, January 10, 2008

How it all begins

Hello, my name is Keith and welcome to my Blog. I am a finance major currently studying the art of business writing at Clemson University under the direction of the lovely Angela Rogers. As such, you will hopefully see improvements in my posts as this semester progresses. Things to tell you about me, I am six feet tall, part Scottish, and have way to many hobbies. For example, I love to ride horses, backpack, scuba dive(certified as of the end of this semester anyway), sky dive, rock climb, attend Scottish highland games, hike, fly, travel, snow ski, swim, and host spectacular Christmas parties. I have the ability to laugh at myself and life (a skill many people seem to lack). I love God and I Love people. In fact, I find that I can get along with most people rather well, but my best friends tend to be the uncool kids with really weird senses of humor. I am looking forward to this crazy semester and meeting all of you. I'll see you next class period. (-:

Without Wax